
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Not sure if I want more defined abs or keep it the way it is. I personally like it more defined...but my boyfriend thinks it's ugly :/. What do you think?

p.s I keep receiving the same comments "How do you get your body?". Well honestly, i didn't work very hard cus i have been pretty active since Primary One! I was a sprinter and played Volleyball all the way till Secondary 4. Which explains why my calves are huge. I stopped exercising since then, and only started again some time last year. My metabolism is still pretty high, i can eat a lot without gaining weight so i don't go on any diet (swear!!!). And if i really overeat and gain weight, i can lose it very quickly too. All i've been doing for the past year is go to the gym once a week. I will jog 30-45 min and then use the machines in the gym. I'm really not the best person to ask "How" because my method might not work as easily for others (unless you also have high metabolism). I will do more research for ya'll and share with ya'll tips on losing weight! I'm sure all of that is already available if you Google though! It's all pretty much the same thing, DIET + EXERCISE = GOOD BODY.