
Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Another day has passed and it looks like things are looking even worse than yesterday. What a series of unfortunate events.

Anyway the post written for N, we've both settled it offline and we are totally OK. No hate no drama no nothing. I understood things a lil more, managed to explain my part and apologized. It was settled amicably. It was nice. Sorry guys. So yeah, don't make a mountain out of a molehill. 

Too bad this portion has to be taken down. Oh well. Shall stop searching for the truth if it will cause me more harm than good.

Flying off in less than 24 hours. Peace is what my mind is craving for. All this negativity surrounding me is so unhealthy. My eyes were glued to my phone for the past 2 days arguing, questioning and sympathizing. Am done with it for now. Do not want to read anymore or follow this whole thing because everything is fucking with my mind. I do not want to have any more conversations containing the names "XX" and "GC". Let me enjoy my holiday! Bye bye SG!